Thursday, February 23, 2012

Local Author Expo in Marietta, GA

Are you in the Marietta, GA area? Would you like to meet local authors, including yours truly? You should mark your calendar for March 3, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; the local library is sponsoring a Local Author's Expo.

Official Announcement

This seems like a win-win situation for readers; a trip to the library to pick up old favorites and a chance to find some new favorites and support local authors. I'm excited to meet some new people.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Print Version...and a Giveaway!

The Zarder has a brand-new print version available online. This leaves me with a feeling of excitement and some extra copies of the first edition. So, the only logical thing to do is host a giveaway.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Zarder by Sara Jo Easton

The Zarder

by Sara Jo Easton

Giveaway ends February 18, 2012.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

These are exciting times.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Spotlight On: Bryn

Name: Bryn
Aliases:  Senme
Race: Human
Age: 17 during the events of "The Zarder"
Sex: Male

Notable Things About Him:
* He has a temper that causes him to act without thinking sometimes. Nothing incited this more than hearing the Fire Queen's gleeful acknowledgment of Jena's "death".

* Bryn is the only other human from Jena's village that is still alive. His intial anger against the Onizards is his way of coping with his grief.

* Underneath that anger and temper is a soft and loving heart. 

Notable Quote:

"Fair enough. Pretend you’re protecting her. Just don’t wait until she’s dead before you tell her. You’ll regret it.” 
            -Bryn on Delbralfi's reluctance to admit his feelings