November is National Novel Writing Month, a month-long project designed to get people to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. Some good friends used it as a excuse to make me work harder on my writing projects, such as the Zarder series. If you've even thought about writing a book, go to to sign up. If you reach the 50,000 word goal, you get bragging rights among your non-writing friends. As further proof that you made it, CreateSpace is giving 5 free paperback copies of a finished book to NaNoWriMo winners (though I must advise you to not try to publish the book as soon as December 1st hits; you won't believe how many embarassing typos and plot holes my editor found when she was going through my projects)!
Since "Sea Foam" is still in the research phase, I've decided to dedicate this National Novel Writing Month to a team of paranormal women trying to solve a murder in a small Ohio town. Here is the working cover:
I hope some of you participate in National Novel Writing Month! It is a rewarding and fun experience.