I just returned from my first convention of the 2013 season, Inconjunction in Indianapolis, IN. I met many wonderful people there, including several of my fellow authors, a fast food employee with a strange and amusing resemblance to Zarder Jena, and a young man whose honesty should make his parents very proud. Thank you everyone for welcoming me into your midst! I hope to attend again in the future.
"Sirens Have A Bad Rap" has a new title, which I will reveal when it's closer to publication and I'm 100% certain the new title is the permanent one. The title switch is a reflection on the point-of-view switch; I felt that first person from the point of view of a confused, overwhelmed and sarcastic succubus was just plain funnier than third person. I am aiming for a late summer/early fall release date still; further details to come when I'm certain there's no other family emergency to come out of nowhere, like it did at the start of the summer.
On that note, R.I.P., Barry Miller, beloved grandfather and staunch supporter of my writing from the beginning. This next book will be dedicated to you.