Saturday, November 19, 2011

Music in the Sandleyr

Though the Onizards do not have music apart from percussion (from flapping their wings and stomping their feet, of course), I have found myself playing around with music editing software to create some for them. Idenno the Watchzard has his own theme song, as does the sick version of Mekanni. Perhaps one day I'll create theme songs for all of the characters, but writing music is more challenging for me than writing a novel. Some of the music I've created sounded fine when I was editing it, but when I played it back I got frustrated by the arrangement and had to rewrite almost everything. When I'm ready to share it, though, I'm not going to mess with the arrangement any more. I'm not trying to be Bach or Mozart here; I'm just trying to have a little bit of fun.

On that note, let me share a recent composition, with an excerpt from "The Zarder" as a bonus:

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