Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spotlight On: Delbralfi

Name: Delbralfi
Aliases: Lord Delbralfi, Bral
Race: Onizard (Child of Fire)
Age: 10 (adult in Onizard years)
Sex: Male

Notable Things About Him:

* He hates the attention that comes from being the Fire Queen's son; he secretly plans to give up all power if he ever inherits it from her.

* As Jena's best friend, Delbralfi convinced her to stand outside his leyr when the invitations to the hatching occurred, indirectly making him responsible for the first human Bond.

* Delbralfi is the Bond of Deldenno, Senraeno's brother.

* He is committed to protecting the humans of the Sandleyr, though few realize it.

* Though slightly reclusive, he has never been shy. That is, until a non-nature named Teltrena entered his life.

Notable Quote:

Do you know how much her loss has tortured me? No, I suppose not. All Onizards are just the same, and all children are exactly like their parents. I’m a sadistic monster who only lives to kill. Go ahead and believe that if you want; I do not care if you judge me, for I know who I truly am. I can take insults to my character, but I will not take insults to hers for trusting me!

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