Saturday, January 14, 2012

Spotlight On: Alair

Considering my most recent review, there's only one character that could feature in the next spotlight.

Look at me, abusing the Photoshop effects
Name: Alair
Aliases: Silly Kitten
Race: Onizac (think of a psychic cat with a spike on the end of its tail)
Age: 6
Sex: Male

Notable Things About Him:
* Alair "had all the usual quirks of the barn cats she had grown up with as well as the ability to scream in her head for food." If that doesn't sound scary, you haven't met many cats. 

* Alair randomly changes grammar, depending on his mood. Do not let this fool you; he is smarter than even Jena, his Bond, knows.

* Most think he belongs to Delbralfi; he encourages this mistake to protect Jena from the Fire Queen's wrath. If a human's mind is strong enough to tolerate an Onizac, they aren't as dumb as the Fire Queen says they are.

* Since he went into hiding and slept for most of the novel, Alair is probably my smartest character. Either that or the laziest.

Notable Quote:
How did the nature lady know I’m Jena’s Bond? Jena’s not dead. Is Jena in trouble?

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